Looking Bach

Works created for The Vache Baroque Festival’s event Looking Bach, at Conway Hall, London, 2022.

“I have been playing Bach’s works for years as a child in a music school. Over the last few months, I was surprised to discover that Bach’s practice correlates so naturally to contemporary and computational thought. In my practice I combine traditional sculpture techniques with contemporary computational mediums such as augmented and virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. I search for connections between past and future where I feel I can find new layers of understanding.

After creating marks from listening to Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, I converted them to the digital realm so that a machine learning algorithm can process them. I noticed that the AI extracted patterns in my interpretations of Bach's music. It makes me wonder what the AI would discover if it could be run against both Bach's preludes and fugues creating its own visual output, without me as a mediator. By adding AI to the conversation, I wanted to make an homage to Bach’s use of mathematics in his work. In Conway Hall I exhibited a contrapposto sculpture, and another work created out of 18th Century pipe organ’s flue pipes arranged in the form of the golden spiral, referencing Bach’s use of Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio.”



